Sunday, August 1, 2010

a note of love and gratitude

i still remember the day my dad brought you home. i was around three years old and about to start school. my parents thought it would be great to have you around, with me starting school and all. so they decided to bring you home. my mom says she even pawned her jewellery just to have you with us. and i am so glad they took you in. what would my life have been without you!! you were always there whenever we needed you. you were always there to make things easier for us. you have been with us through sickness and in health; the good times and the bad. you have provided us protection through sunshine and through rain. we have travelled through life hand in hand. your life and mine are intertwined. you have been as much a part of my life as my mom, dad, brother and sister have been. there are many sweet memories of you and me, you and us. we have grown up together. my family's journey and yours are the same. you are a part of our lives and we a part of yours. you have watched us go through life and become the persons that we are today. i have 20 years worth of memories deeply connected with you. and we can never contemplate sending you away. you have carved a place in our hearts and you are gonna stay there forever.
you are so much more than just a "car" to me. you are my friend, my companion. you mean a lot to me. you have never given up on us. you have been loyal and always eager to help. you have always given your best. you are the best friend we have. and i am so grateful for all that you have done for us. thank you. a million times over. i love having you around. i love sitting in the front seat beside my father. and by the way, dad says he will never have you sent away because you have become a part of us. he will always keep you with him. so our journey continues. we will be travelling together for many years to come. i am looking forward to many more sweet memories!!
love you. 

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